input_file: 20090724_LUe5_1_hg19_ensembl59_S_iCLIP_TDP-43_Brain-C25_bedGraph-cDNA.bed.gz
input_res_type: single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts
mapped_to: hg19
annot_ver: ensembl59
maxU_within: -300
maxD_within: 300
maxU_flanking: -1000
maxD_flanking: 1000
smoothing: 0

Distribution of x-link sites and counts in RNAmaps.
[x-link sites] total: 19023
[x-link sites] used in any map: 4708 (24.75%)
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts] total: 19023
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts] used in any map: 5538 (26.64%)
(upstream; downstream)
[x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
exon-intron-300; 3009234.85%19.60%9624.63%17.37%
intron-exon-300; 30012666.66%26.89%13286.39%23.98%
5-ncRNA-1000; 3009354.92%19.86%14787.11%26.69%
ncRNA-3-300; 10006613.47%14.04%8163.93%14.73%
ORF-3UTR-300; 3002771.46%5.88%2911.40%5.25%
5UTR-ORF-300; 300650.34%1.38%730.35%1.32%
inter-5UTR-1000; 300910.48%1.93%970.47%1.75%
3UTR-inter-300; 10003291.73%6.99%3371.62%6.09%
inter-5-1000; 3006943.65%14.74%11305.44%20.40%
3-inter-300; 10006703.52%14.23%7583.65%13.69%
BP best in intron-300; 1005152.71%10.94%5462.63%9.86%
Download statistics in tab-delimited format.
Download graphs in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap exon-intron

junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: ORF, 3UTR, 5UTR
downstream is regions of type: intron

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr17:72951885@--83; 300C17orf287; 07; 0
chr3:116163722@--78; 300LSAMP6; 07; 0
chr22:38687371@--285; 177CSNK1E5; 05; 0
chr7:99951635@+-160; 300PILRB4; 05; 0
chr6:17285396@+-57; 300RBM244; 04; 0
chr5:179048842@--53; 222HNRNPH14; 04; 0
chr20:33969719@--54; 300UQCC4; 08; 0
chr1:9804451@--125; 194CLSTN14; 04; 0
chr1:9795941@--79; 134CLSTN14; 06; 0
chrX:28606164@+-300; 300IL1RAPL13; 03; 0
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr20:33969719@--54; 300UQCC4; 08; 0
chr3:116163722@--78; 300LSAMP6; 07; 0
chr17:72951885@--83; 300C17orf287; 07; 0
chr1:9795941@--79; 134CLSTN14; 06; 0
chr7:99951635@+-160; 300PILRB4; 05; 0
chr22:38687371@--285; 177CSNK1E5; 05; 0
chr7:139025365@+-85; 256C7orf553; 04; 0
chr6:17285396@+-57; 300RBM244; 04; 0
chr5:179048842@--53; 222HNRNPH14; 04; 0
chr1:9804451@--125; 194CLSTN14; 04; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap intron-exon

junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: intron
downstream is regions of type: ORF, 3UTR, 5UTR

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr9:97055255@+-175; 300ZNF1697; 07; 0
chr5:94026899@+-300; 231ANKRD326; 06; 0
chr22:39715115@--130; 42RPL36; 012; 0
chr1:84413308@--300; 251TTLL75; 06; 0
chrX:47067960@+-300; 300UBA14; 04; 0
chr2:32822817@+-300; 109BIRC64; 04; 0
chr11:103104762@+-300; 63DYNC2H14; 04; 0
chr1:182353857@--300; 300GLUL4; 04; 0
chr9:80942966@+-300; 69PSAT13; 03; 0
chr8:27462851@--300; 206CLU3; 04; 0
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr22:39715115@--130; 42RPL36; 012; 0
chr9:97055255@+-175; 300ZNF1697; 07; 0
chr5:94026899@+-300; 231ANKRD326; 06; 0
chr1:84413308@--300; 251TTLL75; 06; 0
chr11:18425240@+-300; 59LDHA3; 05; 0
chrX:47067960@+-300; 300UBA14; 04; 0
chr8:27462851@--300; 206CLU3; 04; 0
chr5:136957814@--300; 300KLHL33; 04; 0
chr3:110793741@+-300; 174PVRL33; 04; 0
chr2:32822817@+-300; 109BIRC64; 04; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap 5-ncRNA

junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: intron, inter, telo
downstream is regions of type: ncRNA

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chrUn_gl000220:109077@+-758; 30018S103; 0301; 0
chr1:109642814@+-1000; 210snoU2-2558; 0146; 0
chrUn_gl000220:113347@+-585; 30028S54; 081; 0
chr3:160233023@--108; 165KPNA4, snoU9013; 026; 0
chr15:25230246@+-1000; 33SNORD64-ENSG0000020941812; 042; 0
chr11:65269806@+-1000; 29MALAT111; 011; 0
chr7:80962916@+-1000; 115AC004866.1-ENSG000002398438; 011; 0
chr15:25346721@+-990; 46SNORD116-ENSG000002518968; 010; 0
chr15:25344645@+-872; 48SNORD116-ENSG000002518158; 09; 0
chr15:25342809@+-1000; 46SNORD116-ENSG000002523268; 011; 0
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chrUn_gl000220:109077@+-758; 30018S103; 0301; 0
chr1:109642814@+-1000; 210snoU2-2558; 0146; 0
chrUn_gl000220:113347@+-585; 30028S54; 081; 0
chr15:25230246@+-1000; 33SNORD64-ENSG0000020941812; 042; 0
chr3:160233023@--108; 165KPNA4, snoU9013; 026; 0
chr15:25336932@+-886; 46SNORD116-ENSG000002073755; 019; 0
chr1:8266656@--1000; 82U1-ENSG000002009752; 016; 0
chr22:29729246@--503; 48AP1B1, SNORD1257; 015; 0
chr15:25332808@+-522; 46SNORD116-ENSG000002072595; 012; 0
chr7:80962916@+-1000; 115AC004866.1-ENSG000002398438; 011; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap ncRNA-3

junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: ncRNA
downstream is regions of type: intron, inter, telo

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chrUn_gl000220:110946@+-300; 53918S38; 046; 0
chrUn_gl000220:118417@+-300; 100028S25; 054; 0
chr11:65271080@+-300; 1000MALAT121; 022; 0
chr1:109643234@+-210; 1000snoU2-2515; 022; 0
chr11:62609089@--96; 978U2-ENSG0000022232813; 017; 0
chrY:10036111@--300; 1000RN18S10; 120; 16
chr18:77773065@+-110; 1000AC090360.111; 017; 0
chr3:160232693@--165; 362KPNA4, snoU909; 012; 0
chr2:133014537@--58; 1000NCRNA00164, hsa-mir-663b8; 010; 0
chr4:144257786@--255; 1000AC097658.10; 70; 13
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chrUn_gl000220:118417@+-300; 100028S25; 054; 0
chrUn_gl000220:110946@+-300; 53918S38; 046; 0
chr11:65271080@+-300; 1000MALAT121; 022; 0
chr1:109643234@+-210; 1000snoU2-2515; 022; 0
chr18:77773065@+-110; 1000AC090360.111; 017; 0
chr11:62609089@--96; 978U2-ENSG0000022232813; 017; 0
chrY:10036111@--300; 1000RN18S10; 120; 16
chr4:144257786@--255; 1000AC097658.10; 70; 13
chr3:160232693@--165; 362KPNA4, snoU909; 012; 0
chr6:52860748@+-166; 10007SK-ENSG000002021986; 011; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.


junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: ORF
downstream is regions of type: 3UTR

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr16:67472427@--82; 253ATP6V0D113; 016; 0
chrX:139865739@--300; 158CDR10; 70; 8
chr17:79477712@--73; 300ACTG14; 04; 0
chr9:115232824@+-57; 300HSDL23; 03; 0
chr4:176554594@--300; 255GPM6A3; 03; 0
chr2:27599586@+-57; 204SNX173; 03; 0
chr18:9954208@+-80; 300VAPA3; 03; 0
chr1:169100793@+-132; 300ATP1B13; 03; 0
chr1:78024416@+-65; 300AK53; 03; 0
chr8:143694438@--300; 297ARC2; 02; 0
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr16:67472427@--82; 253ATP6V0D113; 016; 0
chrX:139865739@--300; 158CDR10; 70; 8
chr17:79477712@--73; 300ACTG14; 04; 0
chr9:115232824@+-57; 300HSDL23; 03; 0
chr4:176554594@--300; 255GPM6A3; 03; 0
chr2:27599586@+-57; 204SNX173; 03; 0
chr18:9954208@+-80; 300VAPA3; 03; 0
chr1:182352027@--300; 300GLUL2; 03; 0
chr1:169100793@+-132; 300ATP1B13; 03; 0
chr1:78024416@+-65; 300AK53; 03; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.


junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: 5UTR
downstream is regions of type: ORF

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr4:71588290@+-290; 89RUFY36; 07; 0
chrX:139866530@--96; 300CDR10; 40; 4
chr6:31508971@--66; 265BAT13; 06; 0
chr12:121093613@+-256; 231CABP13; 03; 0
chrX:51149868@+-51; 300CXorf672; 03; 0
chr4:158141875@+-70; 203GRIA22; 02; 0
chr19:49926595@--51; 64PTH22; 03; 0
chr17:47755471@--62; 89SPOP2; 02; 0
chr15:91769493@+-196; 225SV2B2; 02; 0
chr12:30906696@--300; 210CAPRIN22; 02; 0
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr4:71588290@+-290; 89RUFY36; 07; 0
chr6:31508971@--66; 265BAT13; 06; 0
chrX:139866530@--96; 300CDR10; 40; 4
chrX:51149868@+-51; 300CXorf672; 03; 0
chr19:49926595@--51; 64PTH22; 03; 0
chr14:86087858@+-188; 300FLRT21; 03; 0
chr12:121093613@+-256; 231CABP13; 03; 0
chr4:158141875@+-70; 203GRIA22; 02; 0
chr17:47755471@--62; 89SPOP2; 02; 0
chr15:91769493@+-196; 225SV2B2; 02; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap inter-5UTR

junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: inter, telo
downstream is regions of type: 5UTR

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr4:144257914@+-1000; 213GAB17; 013; 0
chrX:139866722@--1000; 96CDR10; 50; 5
chr17:39623680@--1000; 52KRT320; 30; 3
chr14:48143952@--1000; 80MDGA23; 03; 0
chr12:14133052@--1000; 96GRIN2B3; 03; 0
chr11:62623517@+-1000; 112SLC3A20; 30; 3
chr5:24645086@--1000; 192CDH102; 02; 0
chr19:55770362@--1000; 280SAPS12; 02; 0
chr17:4843422@+-1000; 116RNF1670; 20; 2
chr16:81040102@+-1000; 300CENPN0; 20; 2
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr4:144257914@+-1000; 213GAB17; 013; 0
chrX:139866722@--1000; 96CDR10; 50; 5
chr17:39623680@--1000; 52KRT320; 30; 3
chr14:48143952@--1000; 80MDGA23; 03; 0
chr12:14133052@--1000; 96GRIN2B3; 03; 0
chr11:62623517@+-1000; 112SLC3A20; 30; 3
chr5:24645086@--1000; 192CDH102; 02; 0
chr19:55770362@--1000; 280SAPS12; 02; 0
chr17:4843422@+-1000; 116RNF1670; 20; 2
chr16:81040102@+-1000; 300CENPN0; 20; 2
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap 3UTR-inter

junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: 3UTR
downstream is regions of type: inter, telo

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr16:67471456@+-275; 1000HSD11B20; 120; 14
chr22:39781593@+-300; 1000SYNGR15; 05; 0
chrX:139865423@--158; 1000CDR10; 40; 4
chr22:39214455@--300; 1000NPTXR4; 04; 0
chr11:10818591@--300; 1000EIF4G24; 04; 0
chr7:75956114@--300; 1000YWHAG3; 03; 0
chr7:73007522@--300; 1000MLXIPL3; 03; 0
chr5:32604185@+-300; 1000SUB13; 03; 0
chr2:27600096@--156; 1000ZNF5130; 30; 3
chr2:231743963@+-300; 1000ITM2C3; 03; 0
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr16:67471456@+-275; 1000HSD11B20; 120; 14
chr22:39781593@+-300; 1000SYNGR15; 05; 0
chrX:139865423@--158; 1000CDR10; 40; 4
chr22:39214455@--300; 1000NPTXR4; 04; 0
chr16:31000473@+-300; 1000HSD3B70; 20; 4
chr11:10818591@--300; 1000EIF4G24; 04; 0
chr7:75956114@--300; 1000YWHAG3; 03; 0
chr7:73007522@--300; 1000MLXIPL3; 03; 0
chr5:32604185@+-300; 1000SUB13; 03; 0
chr2:27600096@--156; 1000ZNF5130; 30; 3
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap inter-5

junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: inter, telo
downstream is regions of type: ORF, intron, 3UTR, 5UTR, ncRNA

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chrUn_gl000220:109077@+-758; 30018S103; 0301; 0
chr1:109642814@+-1000; 210snoU2-2558; 0146; 0
chrUn_gl000220:113347@+-585; 30028S54; 081; 0
chrUn_gl000220:117814@--1000; 67AL592188.50; 500; 81
chr7:80962916@+-1000; 115AC004866.1-ENSG000002398438; 011; 0
chr4:144257914@+-1000; 213GAB17; 013; 0
chr12:120729705@--597; 70U4-ENSG000002025386; 08; 0
chrX:139866722@--1000; 96CDR10; 50; 5
chr2:220455705@--1000; 1497SK-ENSG000002226785; 06; 0
chr13:97601786@--1000; 1427SK-ENSG000002224725; 06; 0
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chrUn_gl000220:109077@+-758; 30018S103; 0301; 0
chr1:109642814@+-1000; 210snoU2-2558; 0146; 0
chrUn_gl000220:117814@--1000; 67AL592188.50; 500; 81
chrUn_gl000220:113347@+-585; 30028S54; 081; 0
chr1:8266656@--1000; 82U1-ENSG000002009752; 016; 0
chr4:144257914@+-1000; 213GAB17; 013; 0
chr7:80962916@+-1000; 115AC004866.1-ENSG000002398438; 011; 0
chrX:100889099@--1000; 53U6-ENSG000002072914; 010; 0
chr4:140606580@--1000; 1507SK-ENSG000002015334; 08; 0
chr12:120729705@--597; 70U4-ENSG000002025386; 08; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap 3-inter

junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: ORF, intron, 3UTR, 5UTR, ncRNA
downstream is regions of type: inter, telo

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chrUn_gl000220:110946@+-300; 53918S38; 046; 0
chrUn_gl000220:118417@+-300; 100028S25; 054; 0
chr11:65271080@+-300; 1000MALAT121; 022; 0
chr1:109643234@+-210; 1000snoU2-2515; 022; 0
chrY:10036111@--300; 1000RN18S10; 120; 16
chr16:67471456@+-275; 1000HSD11B20; 120; 14
chr18:77773065@+-110; 1000AC090360.111; 017; 0
chr4:144257786@--255; 1000AC097658.10; 70; 13
chrX:108297359@--216; 1000RN28S10; 60; 8
chr6:52860748@+-166; 10007SK-ENSG000002021986; 011; 0
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chrUn_gl000220:118417@+-300; 100028S25; 054; 0
chrUn_gl000220:110946@+-300; 53918S38; 046; 0
chr11:65271080@+-300; 1000MALAT121; 022; 0
chr1:109643234@+-210; 1000snoU2-2515; 022; 0
chr18:77773065@+-110; 1000AC090360.111; 017; 0
chrY:10036111@--300; 1000RN18S10; 120; 16
chr16:67471456@+-275; 1000HSD11B20; 120; 14
chr4:144257786@--255; 1000AC097658.10; 70; 13
chr6:52860748@+-166; 10007SK-ENSG000002021986; 011; 0
chrX:108297359@--216; 1000RN28S10; 60; 8
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap "BP best in intron"

BP is at position zero.
upstream is usptream of branch point
downstream is downstream of branch point

x-links and BPs distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [BPs]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [BP]
strand [single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [BPs]
in map
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
per unique [BP]

Top 10 BPs with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr11:93454988@+-142; 100snoU2-30-ENSG0000019967510; 010; 0
chr9:97055216@+-216; 37ZNF1697; 07; 0
chr5:94026903@+-300; 100ANKRD326; 06; 0
chr20:2634908@+-300; 100SNORD1106; 09; 0
chr11:85418922@--300; 100SYTL26; 06; 0
chr2:175216709@--300; 100CIR15; 05; 0
chr19:613070@+-300; 100HCN25; 05; 0
chr5:179048854@--300; 100HNRNPH14; 04; 0
chr3:52725453@+-133; 100SNORD19-ENSG000002223454; 04; 0
chr19:12953892@+-300; 100MAST14; 04; 0
Top 10 BPs with largest [single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits (=G+T), cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr11:93454988@+-142; 100snoU2-30-ENSG0000019967510; 010; 0
chr20:2634908@+-300; 100SNORD1106; 09; 0
chr9:97055216@+-216; 37ZNF1697; 07; 0
chr1:235622562@--300; 100B3GALNT24; 07; 0
chr9:140676322@+-300; 100EHMT12; 06; 0
chr5:94026903@+-300; 100ANKRD326; 06; 0
chr11:85418922@--300; 100SYTL26; 06; 0
chr2:175216709@--300; 100CIR15; 05; 0
chr19:613070@+-300; 100HCN25; 05; 0
chr5:179048854@--300; 100HNRNPH14; 04; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.