input_file: 20090715_LUh6_1_hg19_ensembl59_G_iCLIP_hnRNPC_HeLa_bedGraph-cDNA-hits-in-genome.bed.gz
input_res_type: single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts
mapped_to: hg19
annot_ver: ensembl59
maxU_within: -300
maxD_within: 300
maxU_flanking: -1000
maxD_flanking: 1000
smoothing: 5

Distribution of x-link sites and counts in RNAmaps.
[x-link sites] total: 321762
[x-link sites] used in any map: 49299 (15.32%)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] total: 321762
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] used in any map: 53780 (15.74%)
(upstream; downstream)
[x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
exon-intron-300; 300139234.33%28.24%145914.27%27.13%
intron-exon-300; 300127493.96%25.86%133923.92%24.90%
5-ncRNA-1000; 30041231.28%8.36%51841.52%9.64%
ncRNA-3-300; 100044511.38%9.03%55061.61%10.24%
ORF-3UTR-300; 30023260.72%4.72%25220.74%4.69%
5UTR-ORF-300; 3002980.09%0.60%3230.09%0.60%
inter-5UTR-1000; 30011590.36%2.35%12740.37%2.37%
3UTR-inter-300; 100033941.05%6.88%36251.06%6.74%
inter-5-1000; 30035981.12%7.30%42761.25%7.95%
3-inter-300; 100058921.83%11.95%67151.97%12.49%
BP best in intron-300; 100128173.98%26.00%134463.93%25.00%
Download statistics in tab-delimited format.
Download graphs in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap exon-intron

junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: ORF, 3UTR, 5UTR
downstream is regions of type: intron

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr5:179049848@--158; 300HNRNPH132; 057; 0
chr2:66663000@+-300; 300MEIS116; 018; 0
chr10:96322633@+-33; 300HELLS13; 018; 0
chr5:78909906@+-75; 300PAPD412; 018; 0
chr19:17450408@+-83; 300GTPBP312; 012; 0
chrX:24168936@+-157; 300ZFX10; 011; 0
chr6:13925597@+-87; 300RNF18210; 014; 0
chr1:21101941@--278; 222HP1BP310; 011; 0
chr7:138710450@--300; 300ZC3HAV1L9; 010; 0
chr7:95045186@--211; 300PON29; 010; 0
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr5:179049848@--158; 300HNRNPH132; 057; 0
chr5:78909906@+-75; 300PAPD412; 018; 0
chr2:66663000@+-300; 300MEIS116; 018; 0
chr10:96322633@+-33; 300HELLS13; 018; 0
chr6:13925597@+-87; 300RNF18210; 014; 0
chr19:17450408@+-83; 300GTPBP312; 012; 0
chr17:79652719@+-43; 300HGS7; 012; 0
chrX:24168936@+-157; 300ZFX10; 011; 0
chr2:198354919@--188; 300HSPD17; 011; 0
chr17:62498126@--30; 300DDX57; 011; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap intron-exon

junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: intron
downstream is regions of type: ORF, 3UTR, 5UTR

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr17:57915655@+-300; 51TMEM4927; 041; 0
chr1:1413405@+-300; 300ATAD3B23; 037; 0
chr5:179041959@--293; 300HNRNPH113; 018; 0
chr22:38886440@--300; 39DDX1713; 018; 0
chr12:54678332@+-116; 300HNRNPA112; 019; 0
chr1:21101497@--222; 300HP1BP312; 024; 0
chr16:29821927@--300; 92AC009133.40; 110; 12
chr5:145860712@+-300; 300TCERG110; 012; 0
chr3:47702944@--300; 81SMARCC110; 015; 0
chr2:122288320@--300; 249CLASP10; 100; 14
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr17:57915655@+-300; 51TMEM4927; 041; 0
chr1:1413405@+-300; 300ATAD3B23; 037; 0
chr1:21101497@--222; 300HP1BP312; 024; 0
chr12:54678332@+-116; 300HNRNPA112; 019; 0
chr5:179041959@--293; 300HNRNPH113; 018; 0
chr22:38886440@--300; 39DDX1713; 018; 0
chr3:47702944@--300; 81SMARCC110; 015; 0
chr2:122288320@--300; 249CLASP10; 100; 14
chr9:131456919@+-292; 300SET9; 012; 0
chr5:145860712@+-300; 300TCERG110; 012; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap 5-ncRNA

junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: intron, inter, telo
downstream is regions of type: ncRNA

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr11:65269806@+-1000; 29MALAT1156; 0403; 0
chr8:128231332@--1000; 139AC020688.162; 1126; 1
chr17:57918626@+-338; 36hsa-mir-2157; 0213; 0
chr17:41445449@--1000; 87AC087650.535; 089; 0
chr11:62609280@--1000; 95U2-ENSG0000022232824; 055; 0
chr20:47896855@+-555; 45C20orf199, SNORD12-ENSG0000022236520; 073; 0
chr1:45187573@--1000; 58U5-ENSG0000019937716; 030; 0
chr7:1609708@+-1000; 230AC093734.110; 150; 18
chr5:87514707@+-1000; 34AC010243.10; 130; 13
chrM:576@+-288; 35J01415.12; 102; 12
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr11:65269806@+-1000; 29MALAT1156; 0403; 0
chr17:57918626@+-338; 36hsa-mir-2157; 0213; 0
chr8:128231332@--1000; 139AC020688.162; 1126; 1
chr17:41445449@--1000; 87AC087650.535; 089; 0
chr20:47896855@+-555; 45C20orf199, SNORD12-ENSG0000022236520; 073; 0
chr20:47895476@+-101; 44C20orf199, SNORD12-ENSG0000020904212; 060; 0
chr11:62609280@--1000; 95U2-ENSG0000022232824; 055; 0
chr1:11969983@--628; 60U5-ENSG0000020180111; 051; 0
chr12:7052978@+-748; 31U7-ENSG000002389239; 033; 0
chr1:45187573@--1000; 58U5-ENSG0000019937716; 030; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap ncRNA-3

junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: ncRNA
downstream is regions of type: intron, inter, telo

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr11:65271080@+-300; 1000MALAT1233; 0529; 0
chr1:28835512@--182; 1000AL513497.30; 590; 90
chrUn_gl000220:118417@+-300; 100028S51; 072; 0
chr1:11969863@--60; 1000U5-ENSG0000020180132; 0145; 0
chr11:62609089@--96; 978U2-ENSG0000022232831; 048; 0
chr1:11968328@+-60; 1000U5-ENSG0000019934726; 037; 0
chr22:43011399@+-75; 1000U12-ENSG0000019938224; 056; 0
chr12:120729564@--71; 1000U4-ENSG0000020253822; 037; 0
chr15:65588504@+-58; 1000U5-ENSG0000019956820; 021; 0
chr1:45187456@--59; 1000U5-ENSG0000019937719; 031; 0
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr11:65271080@+-300; 1000MALAT1233; 0529; 0
chr1:11969863@--60; 1000U5-ENSG0000020180132; 0145; 0
chr10:103124600@--96; 1000U2-ENSG0000022241411; 1112; 1
chr7:148638658@+-40; 1000Y_RNA-ENSG0000025231012; 0102; 0
chr1:28835512@--182; 1000AL513497.30; 590; 90
chrUn_gl000220:118417@+-300; 100028S51; 072; 0
chr22:43011399@+-75; 1000U12-ENSG0000019938224; 056; 0
chr11:62609089@--96; 978U2-ENSG0000022232831; 048; 0
chr11:10823012@--71; 189EIF4G2, snoU9716; 042; 0
chr12:120729564@--71; 1000U4-ENSG0000020253822; 037; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.


junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: ORF
downstream is regions of type: 3UTR

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr17:57917272@+-72; 300TMEM4929; 050; 0
chr1:35650053@--70; 300SFPQ19; 021; 0
chr19:19105798@--145; 252SFRS1418; 019; 0
chr12:46754890@--51; 300SLC38A218; 023; 0
chr22:38881684@--300; 300DDX1713; 017; 0
chr17:4849191@--50; 123PFN113; 032; 0
chrX:77381764@+-239; 300PGK110; 011; 0
chr2:172180296@--288; 268METTL810; 010; 0
chr2:189876774@+-211; 300COL3A110; 015; 0
chr10:120069924@--248; 300C10orf8410; 012; 0
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr17:57917272@+-72; 300TMEM4929; 050; 0
chr17:4849191@--50; 123PFN113; 032; 0
chr12:46754890@--51; 300SLC38A218; 023; 0
chr1:35650053@--70; 300SFPQ19; 021; 0
chr19:19105798@--145; 252SFRS1418; 019; 0
chr22:38881684@--300; 300DDX1713; 017; 0
chr2:189876774@+-211; 300COL3A110; 015; 0
chr10:120069924@--248; 300C10orf8410; 012; 0
chrX:77381764@+-239; 300PGK110; 011; 0
chr18:9954208@+-80; 300VAPA9; 011; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.


junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: 5UTR
downstream is regions of type: ORF

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr7:1608974@--300; 108PSMG311; 013; 0
chr11:70268614@+-197; 61CTTN10; 015; 0
chr17:43226557@+-300; 300HEXIM19; 010; 0
chr7:23509978@--54; 212IGF2BP38; 09; 0
chr5:138643104@+-89; 300MATR38; 010; 0
chr6:31508971@--66; 265BAT17; 010; 0
chr5:179050164@--215; 158HNRNPH15; 05; 0
chr1:46597623@--300; 53PIK3R35; 05; 0
chr2:61764828@--277; 66XPO14; 04; 0
chr13:31037816@--300; 237HMGB14; 04; 0
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr11:70268614@+-197; 61CTTN10; 015; 0
chr7:1608974@--300; 108PSMG311; 013; 0
chr6:31508971@--66; 265BAT17; 010; 0
chr5:138643104@+-89; 300MATR38; 010; 0
chr17:43226557@+-300; 300HEXIM19; 010; 0
chr7:23509978@--54; 212IGF2BP38; 09; 0
chr5:179050164@--215; 158HNRNPH15; 05; 0
chr1:46597623@--300; 53PIK3R35; 05; 0
chr6:31725905@+-300; 82MSH52; 04; 0
chr21:35467497@+-168; 300SLC5A33; 04; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap inter-5UTR

junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: inter, telo
downstream is regions of type: 5UTR

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr6:166401114@+-1000; 249AL132661.10; 320; 46
chr20:47894962@--1000; 248ZNFX10; 180; 67
chr11:62623517@+-1000; 112SLC3A20; 140; 15
chr1:173837219@+-1000; 87ZBTB370; 140; 19
chr8:33370702@--1000; 286C8orf410; 120; 13
chr5:147647742@+-1000; 164SPINK5L311; 013; 0
chr1:156307104@+-1000; 118C1orf1820; 100; 11
chr19:54960064@+-920; 210LENG80; 80; 9
chr16:88785022@+-1000; 84AC138028.20; 80; 9
chr1:17380664@--1000; 69SDHB0; 80; 8
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr20:47894962@--1000; 248ZNFX10; 180; 67
chr6:166401114@+-1000; 249AL132661.10; 320; 46
chr1:173837219@+-1000; 87ZBTB370; 140; 19
chr11:62623517@+-1000; 112SLC3A20; 140; 15
chr8:33370702@--1000; 286C8orf410; 120; 13
chr5:147647742@+-1000; 164SPINK5L311; 013; 0
chr1:156307104@+-1000; 118C1orf1820; 100; 11
chr19:54960064@+-920; 210LENG80; 80; 9
chr16:88785022@+-1000; 84AC138028.20; 80; 9
chr11:118889240@+-1000; 132TRAPPC40; 50; 9
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap 3UTR-inter

junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: 3UTR
downstream is regions of type: inter, telo

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr17:57917950@+-300; 338TMEM4937; 063; 0
chr17:79476997@--300; 1000ACTG120; 035; 0
chr21:44834393@--300; 1000SIK118; 020; 0
chr19:54972979@--144; 1000LENG90; 170; 20
chr22:38879452@+-263; 1000KDELR30; 160; 18
chr11:47489944@--248; 1000CELF115; 016; 0
chr17:4848518@+-104; 1000RNF1670; 140; 33
chr5:10435491@+-300; 1000MARCH613; 013; 0
chr12:53874278@--300; 1000MAP3K120; 130; 15
chr2:210886300@+-300; 1000RPE10; 110; 1
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr17:57917950@+-300; 338TMEM4937; 063; 0
chr17:79476997@--300; 1000ACTG120; 035; 0
chr17:4848518@+-104; 1000RNF1670; 140; 33
chr21:44834393@--300; 1000SIK118; 020; 0
chr19:54972979@--144; 1000LENG90; 170; 20
chr22:38879452@+-263; 1000KDELR30; 160; 18
chr19:39220830@--300; 1000CAPN120; 100; 16
chr11:47489944@--248; 1000CELF115; 016; 0
chr12:53874278@--300; 1000MAP3K120; 130; 15
chrX:24096088@+-282; 1000EIF2S39; 013; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap inter-5

junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: inter, telo
downstream is regions of type: ORF, intron, 3UTR, 5UTR, ncRNA

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chrUn_gl000220:117814@--1000; 67AL592188.50; 870; 230
chr8:128231332@--1000; 139AC020688.162; 1126; 1
chr17:41445449@--1000; 87AC087650.535; 089; 0
chr6:166401114@+-1000; 249AL132661.10; 310; 45
chr11:62609280@--1000; 95U2-ENSG0000022232824; 055; 0
chr20:47894962@--1000; 248ZNFX10; 180; 67
chr1:45187573@--1000; 58U5-ENSG0000019937716; 030; 0
chr7:1609708@+-1000; 230AC093734.110; 150; 18
chr11:62623517@+-1000; 112SLC3A20; 140; 15
chr1:173837219@+-1000; 87ZBTB370; 140; 19
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chrUn_gl000220:117814@--1000; 67AL592188.50; 870; 230
chr8:128231332@--1000; 139AC020688.162; 1126; 1
chr17:41445449@--1000; 87AC087650.535; 089; 0
chr20:47894962@--1000; 248ZNFX10; 180; 67
chr11:62609280@--1000; 95U2-ENSG0000022232824; 055; 0
chr1:11969983@--628; 60U5-ENSG0000020180111; 051; 0
chr6:166401114@+-1000; 249AL132661.10; 310; 45
chr1:45187573@--1000; 58U5-ENSG0000019937716; 030; 0
chr1:11968208@+-1000; 60U5-ENSG0000019934711; 030; 0
chr12:120729705@--597; 70U4-ENSG000002025388; 025; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap 3-inter

junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: ORF, intron, 3UTR, 5UTR, ncRNA
downstream is regions of type: inter, telo

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr11:65271080@+-300; 1000MALAT1233; 0529; 0
chr1:28835512@--182; 1000AL513497.30; 590; 90
chrUn_gl000220:118417@+-300; 100028S51; 072; 0
chr17:57917950@+-300; 338TMEM4937; 063; 0
chr7:5566780@--300; 1000ACTB35; 089; 0
chr17:16344889@--300; 1000C17orf760; 350; 87
chr17:79476997@--300; 1000ACTG120; 035; 0
chr1:169101767@--127; 1000NME70; 190; 22
chr21:44834393@--300; 1000SIK118; 020; 0
chr2:191798136@--300; 1000AC067945.10; 170; 19
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr11:65271080@+-300; 1000MALAT1233; 0529; 0
chr1:28835512@--182; 1000AL513497.30; 590; 90
chr7:5566780@--300; 1000ACTB35; 089; 0
chr17:16344889@--300; 1000C17orf760; 350; 87
chrUn_gl000220:118417@+-300; 100028S51; 072; 0
chr17:57917950@+-300; 338TMEM4937; 063; 0
chr17:79476997@--300; 1000ACTG120; 035; 0
chr17:4848518@+-104; 1000RNF1670; 140; 33
chr6:52860748@+-166; 10007SK-ENSG0000020219813; 024; 0
chr1:169101767@--127; 1000NME70; 190; 22
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap "BP best in intron"

BP is at position zero.
upstream is usptream of branch point
downstream is downstream of branch point

x-links and BPs distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [BPs]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [BP]
strand [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [BPs]
in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
per unique [BP]

Top 10 BPs with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr17:57915352@+-300; 100TMEM4917; 042; 0
chr21:44842114@--300; 100SIK113; 013; 0
chr8:128752542@+-300; 97MYC11; 014; 0
chr7:26237690@--300; 100HNRNPA2B111; 011; 0
chr17:62496969@--300; 79DDX511; 012; 0
chr5:170817954@+-235; 100NPM110; 013; 0
chr20:34320265@--300; 100RBM3910; 010; 0
chr11:70268819@+-300; 100CTTN10; 015; 0
chr11:47259214@+-300; 100DDB210; 010; 0
chr1:1413786@+-300; 100ATAD3B10; 019; 0
Top 10 BPs with largest [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr17:57915352@+-300; 100TMEM4917; 042; 0
chr16:70571951@+-300; 100SNORD111-ENSG000002210665; 019; 0
chr1:1413786@+-300; 100ATAD3B10; 019; 0
chr11:70268819@+-300; 100CTTN10; 015; 0
chr8:128752542@+-300; 97MYC11; 014; 0
chr5:170817954@+-235; 100NPM110; 013; 0
chr21:44842114@--300; 100SIK113; 013; 0
chr17:62496969@--300; 79DDX511; 012; 0
chr7:26237690@--300; 100HNRNPA2B111; 011; 0
chr5:179045370@--300; 47HNRNPH19; 011; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.