input_file: 20090724_LUjt2_1_hg19_ensembl59_G_iCLIP_TDP-43_Brain-F24_bedGraph-cDNA-hits-in-genome.bed.gz
input_res_type: single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts
mapped_to: hg19
annot_ver: ensembl59
maxU_within: -300
maxD_within: 300
maxU_flanking: -1000
maxD_flanking: 1000
smoothing: 5

Distribution of x-link sites and counts in RNAmaps.
[x-link sites] total: 82773
[x-link sites] used in any map: 15600 (18.85%)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] total: 82773
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] used in any map: 19135 (21.22%)
(upstream; downstream)
[x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
exon-intron-300; 30038384.64%24.60%40224.46%21.02%
intron-exon-300; 30042495.13%27.24%43854.86%22.92%
5-ncRNA-1000; 30020912.53%13.40%36584.06%19.12%
ncRNA-3-300; 100017402.10%11.15%29573.28%15.45%
ORF-3UTR-300; 3009681.17%6.21%9971.11%5.21%
5UTR-ORF-300; 3002290.28%1.47%2430.27%1.27%
inter-5UTR-1000; 3003750.45%2.40%5850.65%3.06%
3UTR-inter-300; 100010881.31%6.97%11201.24%5.85%
inter-5-1000; 30016712.02%10.71%34583.83%18.07%
3-inter-300; 100021232.56%13.61%28043.11%14.65%
BP best in intron-300; 10021682.62%13.90%22772.52%11.90%
Download statistics in tab-delimited format.
Download graphs in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap exon-intron

junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: ORF, 3UTR, 5UTR
downstream is regions of type: intron

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr7:139025365@+-85; 256C7orf5514; 074; 0
chr19:17740047@--42; 300UNC13A9; 09; 0
chr5:883069@--226; 300BRD97; 07; 0
chr22:38687371@--285; 177CSNK1E7; 07; 0
chr19:46815910@+-247; 300HIF3A7; 08; 0
chr16:57662765@+-174; 300GPR567; 08; 0
chr10:103590823@--50; 300KCNIP27; 07; 0
chr7:1479559@--300; 300MICALL25; 05; 0
chr3:116163722@--78; 300LSAMP5; 05; 0
chr3:65595417@--112; 300MAGI15; 05; 0
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr7:139025365@+-85; 256C7orf5514; 074; 0
chr19:17740047@--42; 300UNC13A9; 09; 0
chr19:46815910@+-247; 300HIF3A7; 08; 0
chr16:57662765@+-174; 300GPR567; 08; 0
chr5:883069@--226; 300BRD97; 07; 0
chr22:38687371@--285; 177CSNK1E7; 07; 0
chr10:103590823@--50; 300KCNIP27; 07; 0
chr2:127827569@--48; 300BIN14; 06; 0
chr11:497969@--86; 300RNH15; 06; 0
chr1:1158622@--57; 300SDF44; 06; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap intron-exon

junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: intron
downstream is regions of type: ORF, 3UTR, 5UTR

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr22:39715115@--130; 42RPL39; 016; 0
chr12:113565982@--300; 57RASAL19; 09; 0
chr20:10286776@+-300; 300SNAP258; 08; 0
chr2:127811587@--300; 54BIN16; 06; 0
chr4:863744@--300; 300GAK5; 05; 0
chr2:175665014@--300; 300CHN15; 05; 0
chr2:47387942@--300; 300CALM25; 06; 0
chr19:46834412@+-300; 93HIF3A5; 08; 0
chr4:158284586@+-135; 300GRIA24; 04; 0
chr19:2337038@--300; 78AC004490.10; 40; 4
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr22:39715115@--130; 42RPL39; 016; 0
chr8:26221236@+-300; 85PPP2R2A1; 110; 5
chr1:182356426@--300; 259GLUL1; 11; 11
chr12:113565982@--300; 57RASAL19; 09; 0
chr20:10286776@+-300; 300SNAP258; 08; 0
chr19:46834412@+-300; 93HIF3A5; 08; 0
chr2:127811587@--300; 54BIN16; 06; 0
chr2:47387942@--300; 300CALM25; 06; 0
chr4:863744@--300; 300GAK5; 05; 0
chr2:175665014@--300; 300CHN15; 05; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap 5-ncRNA

junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: intron, inter, telo
downstream is regions of type: ncRNA

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr11:65269806@+-1000; 29MALAT1142; 0196; 0
chr1:109642814@+-1000; 210snoU2-25108; 0461; 0
chrM:16022@--274; 34J01415.1425; 2168; 2
chr14:20811565@--1000; 166RNaseP_nuc-ENSG0000025267823; 038; 0
chr7:148638579@+-1000; 39Y_RNA-ENSG0000025231021; 074; 0
chr15:25230246@+-1000; 33SNORD64-ENSG0000020941820; 024; 0
chr3:160233023@--108; 165KPNA4, snoU9018; 025; 0
chr2:230045665@--1000; 89AC006368.1, PID118; 048; 0
chr1:235291251@--329; 67SNORA14-ENSG00000207181, TOMM2018; 054; 0
chr6:36607448@--1000; 64U1-ENSG0000023855417; 073; 0
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr1:109642814@+-1000; 210snoU2-25108; 0461; 0
chr11:65269806@+-1000; 29MALAT1142; 0196; 0
chrM:16022@--274; 34J01415.1425; 2168; 2
chr7:148638579@+-1000; 39Y_RNA-ENSG0000025231021; 074; 0
chr6:36607448@--1000; 64U1-ENSG0000023855417; 073; 0
chr1:8266656@--1000; 82U1-ENSG000002009759; 068; 0
chr1:148241464@+-1000; 82U1-ENSG0000020750113; 068; 0
chr20:62540307@+-1000; 82DNAJC5, U1-ENSG0000019980513; 066; 0
chr12:63244680@--1000; 82PPM1H, U1-ENSG000002002968; 061; 0
chr1:235291251@--329; 67SNORA14-ENSG00000207181, TOMM2018; 054; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap ncRNA-3

junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: ncRNA
downstream is regions of type: intron, inter, telo

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr11:65271080@+-300; 1000MALAT1199; 0287; 0
chrUn_gl000220:118417@+-300; 100028S110; 0479; 0
chr1:109643234@+-210; 1000snoU2-2533; 042; 0
chr14:20811232@--167; 1000RNaseP_nuc-ENSG0000025267832; 049; 0
chrM:15953@+-33; 309J01415.66; 2549; 160
chr11:62609089@--96; 978U2-ENSG0000022232830; 061; 0
chrM:4327@--36; 1000J01415.130; 230; 57
chrM:15954@--34; 606J01415.146; 1525; 66
chr12:127650451@--268; 1000AC079949.118; 059; 0
chr6:52860748@+-166; 10007SK-ENSG0000020219815; 049; 0
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chrUn_gl000220:118417@+-300; 100028S110; 0479; 0
chr11:65271080@+-300; 1000MALAT1199; 0287; 0
chrM:15953@+-33; 309J01415.66; 2549; 160
chrM:15954@--34; 606J01415.146; 1525; 66
chr11:62609089@--96; 978U2-ENSG0000022232830; 061; 0
chr12:127650451@--268; 1000AC079949.118; 059; 0
chr7:148638658@+-40; 1000Y_RNA-ENSG0000025231011; 058; 0
chrM:4327@--36; 1000J01415.130; 230; 57
chr6:52860748@+-166; 10007SK-ENSG0000020219815; 049; 0
chr14:20811232@--167; 1000RNaseP_nuc-ENSG0000025267832; 049; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.


junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: ORF
downstream is regions of type: 3UTR

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr10:22825820@--195; 300PIP5K2A15; 018; 0
chrX:139865739@--300; 158CDR10; 110; 11
chr10:73822514@--74; 300SPOCK210; 011; 0
chrX:103045717@+-132; 300PLP16; 06; 0
chr2:55199719@--300; 198RTN45; 05; 0
chr17:8063722@--233; 300VAMP25; 05; 0
chr16:67472427@--82; 253ATP6V0D15; 08; 0
chr16:89981552@+-300; 300AC092143.15; 05; 0
chrX:148564273@--173; 300IDS4; 04; 0
chr9:124094881@+-85; 120GSN4; 04; 0
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr10:22825820@--195; 300PIP5K2A15; 018; 0
chrX:139865739@--300; 158CDR10; 110; 11
chr10:73822514@--74; 300SPOCK210; 011; 0
chr16:67472427@--82; 253ATP6V0D15; 08; 0
chrX:103045717@+-132; 300PLP16; 06; 0
chr2:55199719@--300; 198RTN45; 05; 0
chr17:8063722@--233; 300VAMP25; 05; 0
chr16:89981552@+-300; 300AC092143.15; 05; 0
chrX:148564273@--173; 300IDS4; 04; 0
chrX:119572929@--109; 300LAMP23; 04; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.


junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: 5UTR
downstream is regions of type: ORF

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr6:31508971@--66; 265BAT111; 017; 0
chr2:61764828@--277; 66XPO18; 08; 0
chrX:139866530@--96; 300CDR10; 70; 7
chr4:71588290@+-290; 89RUFY35; 06; 0
chr16:89980628@+-52; 300AC092143.14; 04; 0
chr16:1756340@+-74; 159MAPK8IP33; 03; 0
chr13:45010763@--109; 62TSC22D13; 03; 0
chrX:148586666@--105; 51IDS2; 02; 0
chr4:158141875@+-70; 203GRIA22; 02; 0
chr3:192445111@--80; 221FGF122; 02; 0
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr6:31508971@--66; 265BAT111; 017; 0
chr2:61764828@--277; 66XPO18; 08; 0
chrX:139866530@--96; 300CDR10; 70; 7
chr4:71588290@+-290; 89RUFY35; 06; 0
chr16:89980628@+-52; 300AC092143.14; 04; 0
chr16:1756340@+-74; 159MAPK8IP33; 03; 0
chr15:31196866@+-76; 300MTMR152; 03; 0
chr13:45010763@--109; 62TSC22D13; 03; 0
chrX:148586666@--105; 51IDS2; 02; 0
chr9:35748969@--128; 300GBA21; 02; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap inter-5UTR

junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: inter, telo
downstream is regions of type: 5UTR

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr15:89878025@--1000; 61POLG0; 150; 150
chr11:66115160@--1000; 72AP001107.20; 100; 51
chr15:80737492@--1000; 74AC016705.10; 70; 8
chr11:62623517@+-1000; 112SLC3A20; 70; 8
chrX:139866722@--1000; 96CDR10; 60; 7
chr20:47894962@--1000; 248ZNFX10; 60; 6
chr8:33370702@--1000; 286C8orf410; 50; 5
chr1:151030233@+-1000; 300MLLT111; 41; 4
chr18:47340272@--1000; 209ACAA20; 40; 4
chr16:89980524@+-1000; 52AC092143.14; 04; 0
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr15:89878025@--1000; 61POLG0; 150; 150
chr11:66115160@--1000; 72AP001107.20; 100; 51
chr17:37026255@+-1000; 93LASP10; 20; 18
chr15:80737492@--1000; 74AC016705.10; 70; 8
chr11:62623517@+-1000; 112SLC3A20; 70; 8
chrX:139866722@--1000; 96CDR10; 60; 7
chr20:47894962@--1000; 248ZNFX10; 60; 6
chr8:33370702@--1000; 286C8orf410; 50; 5
chr1:151030233@+-1000; 300MLLT111; 41; 4
chr18:47340272@--1000; 209ACAA20; 40; 4
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap 3UTR-inter

junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: 3UTR
downstream is regions of type: inter, telo

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chrX:139865423@--158; 1000CDR10; 80; 9
chr17:8024297@--294; 1000HES76; 010; 0
chr5:71502853@+-300; 1000MAP1B5; 05; 0
chr3:115528639@--241; 1000LSAMP5; 05; 0
chr18:72102961@--300; 1000FAM69C5; 06; 0
chr16:67471456@+-275; 1000HSD11B20; 50; 8
chr9:111899165@--283; 1000C9orf44; 04; 0
chr5:139496321@+-300; 1000PURA4; 04; 0
chr3:9543479@--206; 1000LHFPL44; 04; 0
chr22:38879452@+-263; 1000KDELR30; 40; 4
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr17:8024297@--294; 1000HES76; 010; 0
chrX:139865423@--158; 1000CDR10; 80; 9
chr16:67471456@+-275; 1000HSD11B20; 50; 8
chr18:72102961@--300; 1000FAM69C5; 06; 0
chr5:71502853@+-300; 1000MAP1B5; 05; 0
chr3:115528639@--241; 1000LSAMP5; 05; 0
chr9:111899165@--283; 1000C9orf44; 04; 0
chr9:77302117@+-300; 1000RORB3; 04; 0
chr7:75956114@--300; 1000YWHAG3; 04; 0
chr6:76427997@+-300; 1000SENP63; 04; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap inter-5

junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: inter, telo
downstream is regions of type: ORF, intron, 3UTR, 5UTR, ncRNA

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chrUn_gl000220:117814@--1000; 67AL592188.50; 2130; 899
chr1:109642814@+-1000; 210snoU2-25108; 0461; 0
chr14:20811565@--1000; 166RNaseP_nuc-ENSG0000025267823; 038; 0
chr6:36607448@--1000; 64U1-ENSG0000023855417; 073; 0
chr9:79186648@+-1000; 151AL161626.116; 044; 0
chr15:89878025@--1000; 61POLG0; 150; 150
chr22:43011249@+-1000; 75U12-ENSG0000019938214; 031; 0
chr9:35658013@--429; 132RNase_MRP-ENSG0000019991613; 019; 0
chr8:23934670@--1000; 81U1-ENSG0000020720113; 043; 0
chr1:148241464@+-1000; 82U1-ENSG0000020750113; 068; 0
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chrUn_gl000220:117814@--1000; 67AL592188.50; 2130; 899
chr1:109642814@+-1000; 210snoU2-25108; 0461; 0
chr15:89878025@--1000; 61POLG0; 150; 150
chr6:36607448@--1000; 64U1-ENSG0000023855417; 073; 0
chr1:8266656@--1000; 82U1-ENSG000002009759; 068; 0
chr1:148241464@+-1000; 82U1-ENSG0000020750113; 068; 0
chr11:66115160@--1000; 72AP001107.20; 100; 51
chr8:136754737@--1000; 76U1-ENSG000001996523; 047; 0
chr9:79186648@+-1000; 151AL161626.116; 044; 0
chr8:23934670@--1000; 81U1-ENSG0000020720113; 043; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap 3-inter

junction is at position zero.
upstream is regions of type: ORF, intron, 3UTR, 5UTR, ncRNA
downstream is regions of type: inter, telo

x-links and junctions distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [junction]
strand [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [junctions]
in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
per unique [junction]

Top 10 junctions with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr11:65271080@+-300; 1000MALAT1199; 0287; 0
chrUn_gl000220:118417@+-300; 100028S110; 0479; 0
chr1:109643234@+-210; 1000snoU2-2533; 042; 0
chr14:20811232@--167; 1000RNaseP_nuc-ENSG0000025267832; 049; 0
chr12:127650451@--268; 1000AC079949.118; 059; 0
chr6:52860748@+-166; 10007SK-ENSG0000020219815; 049; 0
chrX:108297359@--216; 1000RN28S10; 110; 15
chr10:133994727@--160; 1000RP11-140A10.30; 110; 11
chrY:10036111@--300; 1000RN18S10; 80; 11
chrX:139865423@--158; 1000CDR10; 80; 9
Top 10 junctions with largest [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chrUn_gl000220:118417@+-300; 100028S110; 0479; 0
chr11:65271080@+-300; 1000MALAT1199; 0287; 0
chr12:127650451@--268; 1000AC079949.118; 059; 0
chr6:52860748@+-166; 10007SK-ENSG0000020219815; 049; 0
chr14:20811232@--167; 1000RNaseP_nuc-ENSG0000025267832; 049; 0
chr1:109643234@+-210; 1000snoU2-2533; 042; 0
chr9:79186950@+-151; 1000AL161626.16; 035; 0
chr6:26574925@+-300; 1000AL121936.13; 016; 0
chrX:108297359@--216; 1000RN28S10; 110; 15
chr9:35657749@--132; 1000RNase_MRP-ENSG000001999168; 012; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.

RNAmap "BP best in intron"

BP is at position zero.
upstream is usptream of branch point
downstream is downstream of branch point

x-links and BPs distributions
strand [x-link sites]
used in map
[x-link sites]
% of total
[x-link sites]
% of used in any map
[x-link sites]
% of used in map
unique [BPs]
in map
[x-link sites]
per unique [BP]
strand [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
used in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of total
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in any map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
% of used in map
unique [BPs]
in map
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
per unique [BP]

Top 10 BPs with largest x-link sites sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr11:93454988@+-142; 100snoU2-30-ENSG0000019967518; 022; 0
chr13:27829210@+-300; 100SNORD10211; 019; 0
chr12:113566108@--300; 100RASAL110; 010; 0
chr5:138614713@+-297; 24MATR39; 09; 0
chr20:2634908@+-300; 100SNORD1109; 010; 0
chr19:2337060@+-300; 100AC004410.19; 09; 0
chr12:6619768@+-224; 24NCAPD28; 09; 0
chr9:130210892@--238; 100SNORA657; 011; 0
chr11:8707006@+-177; 100SNORA3-ENSG000002126077; 07; 0
chr9:125642528@--109; 100SNORD906; 010; 0
Top 10 BPs with largest [single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts] sum (both strands)
position of
(upstream; downstream)
associated gene[x-link sites]
(same; anti)
[single hits in whole-genome, cDNA counts]
(same; anti)
chr10:88649475@+-300; 100U1-ENSG000002001765; 033; 0
chr11:93454988@+-142; 100snoU2-30-ENSG0000019967518; 022; 0
chr13:27829210@+-300; 100SNORD10211; 019; 0
chr9:130210892@--238; 100SNORA657; 011; 0
chr9:125642528@--109; 100SNORD906; 010; 0
chr20:2634908@+-300; 100SNORD1109; 010; 0
chr12:113566108@--300; 100RASAL110; 010; 0
chr5:138614713@+-297; 24MATR39; 09; 0
chr19:2337060@+-300; 100AC004410.19; 09; 0
chr12:6619768@+-224; 24NCAPD28; 09; 0
Download full junction summary list in tab-delimited format.
Download full list of x-links used for RNAmap in tab-delimited format.